Information Capacity Dataset

Data source: Brambor, Goenega, Lindvall and Teorell

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The original Information Capacity Dataset offers numerical data on five institutions and policies that modern states use to collect information about their populations and territories: (1) the regular implementation of a reliable census, (2) the regular release of statistical yearbooks, the operation of (3) civil and (4) population registers, and (5) the establishment of a government agency tasked with processing statistical information. Based on these five indicators, an overall index of “information capacity” is calculated for 85 polities from 1750 to 2015.

Last updated by source: 2019-05-27

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Brambor, T., Goenaga, A., Lindvall, J., & JanTeorell. (2020). The lay of the land: Information capacity and the state. Comparative Political Studies, 53(2), 175–213.

Variables in this dataset:

   Information Capacity
QoG Code: icd_infcapirt

The aggregate index of information capacity. It is based on a hybrid two-parameter and graded Item Response Model (IRT) that is based on five component indicators - when the country first established a statistical agency, whether the country had in place a civil register and a population register, and the graded indexes of census ability and yearbook ability.

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   Information Capacity (year 1750)
QoG Code: icd_infcapirt1750

The aggregate index score of information capacity for the year of 1750. It is based on a hybrid two-parameter and graded Item Response Model (IRT) that is based on five component indicators - when the country first established a statistical agency, whether the country had in place a civil register and a population register, and the graded indexes of census ability and yearbook ability.

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   Information Capacity (year 1800)
QoG Code: icd_infcapirt1800

The aggregate index score of information capacity for the year of 1800. It is based on a hybrid two-parameter and graded Item Response Model (IRT) that is based on five component indicators - when the country first established a statistical agency, whether the country had in place a civil register and a population register, and the graded indexes of census ability and yearbook ability.

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   Information Capacity (year 1850)
QoG Code: icd_infcapirt1850

The aggregate index score of information capacity for the year of 1850. It is based on a hybrid two-parameter and graded Item Response Model (IRT) that is based on five component indicators - when the country first established a statistical agency, whether the country had in place a civil register and a population register, and the graded indexes of census ability and yearbook ability.

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   Information Capacity (year 1900)
QoG Code: icd_infcapirt1900

The aggregate index score of information capacity for the year of 1900. It is based on a hybrid two-parameter and graded Item Response Model (IRT) that is based on five component indicators - when the country first established a statistical agency, whether the country had in place a civil register and a population register, and the graded indexes of census ability and yearbook ability.

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